
Toonz Premium is the meeting point of the traditional and paperless animation production workflows. It provides state-of-the-art tools for both the approaches for endless creative possibilities, and allows you to follow your personal approach to computer-assisted animation fast-forwarding tedious and time-consuming steps.
Available languages are:
English, French, Italian and Japanese.

Story Planner 3.4 ML and Story Planner 3.4 ML PRO are tools for creating storyboards with graphical and textual information, and generating animatics with soundtrack and animations.
The version 3.4 ML introduces the support for multilanguages interface. Available languages are:
English, French, Italian and Japanese.

Toonz LineTest 6.4 is the 2D animation software for pencil animation tests, providing a no-hassle webcam and video camera support, scanning capabilities, and a real time preview integrated in the familiar xsheet interface.
It relies on the Toonz technology, scenes produced in LineTest can be used as guide in the final production.
Linetest supports multilanguages interface. Available languages are:
English, French, Italian and Japanese.
To BUY or TRY LineTest 6.4 contact