Toonz LineTest and Toonz Harlequin/Bravo
LineTest scene files can be loaded in Toonz to start the final production either scanning final paper drawings in Toonz Harlequin following the traditional workflow, or tracing the final vector drawings either in Toonz Harlequin or inToonz Bravo following the paperless workflow.
In Toonz the scenes retain all the captured drawings, loaded images, clips and soundtrack, and camera and columns animation, and they can be edited as if they were created in Toonz.
As concerning the traditional workflow, the LineTest scenes can be used to guide the scanning process, as the captured drawings exposed in the xsheet can be selected and used to drive the scanning of the final paper drawings, automatically replacing in the xsheet the captured drawings with the scanned ones.
As concerning the paperless workflow, the LineTest scenes can be used as a reference for tracing drawing, as vector drawings can be created using the captured drawings as reference in empty columns inserted in the xsheet.