General Info
Toonz Premium and OpenToonzWhat is Toonz Premium?
Toonz Premium is the re-branded version of Toonz Harlequin 7.1 i.e. the latest available release and contains all the Harlequin features . It can be used for raster and paperless productions (either raster and vector based).
What are the available platforms for Toonz Premium?
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Mac OS X 10.8 and later.
Why buy Toonz Premium?
Buying Toonz Premium you can take advantage of the Digital Video experience, and of the reliability of Toonz Harlequin at a considerably lowered price.
In few words, choosing Toonz Premium, you choose the guarantees of a commercial product with proven experience.
Moreover, you can take advantage of the services that Digital Video offers, like product and installation support, online and on-site training, regular and reliable updates, production setup etc..
Will Toonz Premium continue to be developed?
Yes, Digital Video will continue to develop Toonz, adding new features and including the most interesting and powerfull OpenToonz features.
Sales Info
Who sells Toonz Premium?
Toonz Premium is sold by Digital Video, the company that has been developing Toonz since 1993.
Will Toonz Harlequin continue to be sold?
No. It has been replaced by Toonz Premium. The current release of Toonz is Toonz Premium 7.4.
I´ve a new animation project; what do you suggest for a cost effective solution?
We recommend you to take advantage of the Studio Maintenance that will enable you to get support and new releases for a fee that will be always the same, no matter if you will run 10, 50 or 200 Premium licenses. Enjoying the Digital Video technical support will avoid you downtimes and will help in setting up a more efficient production process.
Toonz Premium and OpenToonz
What is OpenToonz?
Open Toonz is the OpenSource version of Toonz. It is developed, by DWANGO, on the base of the Toonz Harlequin Ghibli Edition. It contains the Toonz features reorganized according with the Studio Ghibli work flow and it is specially oriented to the Japanese Animation Market.
What are the main differences between Toonz Premium and OpenToonz ?
The OpenToonz focus is on the Japanese Animation studios and some Harlequin features have been removed or modified in the version made available for download. Toonz Premium retains all the available features of Toonz
Harlequin and reincorporates features developed by Ghibli and available in Open Toonz.
What are the Toonz Premium’s features heavily modified in OpenToonz ?
The first thing that stands out is the difference in the Graphical User Interface, the possibility to customize it has been strongly limited. Other features has been modified or limited such as Cleanup, hooks, Stage Schematic, Onion Skin and Function Editor.
Reading the press and the discussion forums it seems OpenToonz lacks stability, at least for the moment. Is this also true for Toonz Premium?
No. Toonz Premium is fully tested and stable on all the platforms. Being a commercial software, is submitted to an extensive quality assurance cycle before release.
Technical Info
Are Toonz Premium and Open Toonz compatible?
Yes, drawings and scenes can be shared between the two softwares.
Will the compatibility remain alive also in the future ?
Yes. It will remain assured in all the future releases
Is Toonz Premium compatible with the other Digital Video Products such as Toonz Bravo and Harlequin, Linetest and StoryPlanner?