Story Planner 3.4 ML download
Try Story Planner 3.4 ML or Story Planner 3.4 ML PRO for a 30-days period by downloading the trial version: no limitations and no feature disabled, including loading, saving and exporting features.
Note: In order to use the Story Planner, QuickTime must be installed on your computer.
System Requirements
Intel® Pentium® 4 processor, or higher
Microsoft® Windows® XP, Vista® or Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)
1GB of RAM (2GB recommended)
40 MB of available hard-disk space
1024×768 or higher monitor resolution
Ethernet card required for licensing procedure
Using a 64-bit-capable computer with a 64-bit version of Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 dramatically improves the software performance*.
*Actual performance may vary according to the available RAM and other factors.
Note: To get the best from your hardware, install always the latest updates for Windows and for the graphic board drivers.
Intel® processor
Mac OS® X 10.5 or later
1GB of RAM (2GB recommended)
60 MB of available hard-disk space
1024×768 or higher monitor resolution
Ethernet card required for licensing procedure*
*Mac Book Air is not equipped with an Ethernet card
Note: To get the best from your hardware, install always the latest updates for Mac OS X.
Suggested for Better Drawing Functions
Graphic tablet or interactive pen display